Keyboard Alt Codes
The top four digit number is the code. The symbol underneath is the resulting symbol
To use alt codes, hold down the "Alt" key on your keyboard while typing the numbers using the number pad on your keyboard.
When you let go of the "Alt" key the symbol will appear.
For example if you hold down "Alt" on your keyboard and type 0169 on your
number pad your will get the copyright symbol. Alt+9733 will give you a solid colored star.
Click Here To See this Script Run and View the Keyboard Alt Code Chart
(Be patient, it takes a minute or so to run, since it is processing 10,000 numbers)
Here is the ASP code for this script:
<form name="ChooseFont" method="post" action="AltCodesRun.asp"> <div class="breg">Select a Font: <select name="SelFont" onchange="ChooseFont.submit()" class="breg"> <% SelFont = Request("SelFont") If Len(Trim(SelFont)) = 0 Then SelFont = "Arial" End If FontList = "Arial|Almanac MT|Arial Alternative Symbol|Bon Apetit MT|Bookshelf Symbol 3|" & _ "Candid|Directions MT|Holidays MT|Keystrokes MT|Marlett|Monotype Sorts|" & _ "MS Outlook|MT Extra|Parties MT|Signs MT|Sports Two MT|Sports Three MT|" & _ "symbol|Parties MT|Transport MT|Vacation MT|Webdings|Wingdings|" & _ "Wingdings 2|Wingdings 3|ZapfDingbats" FontArr = Split(FontList,"|") For x = 0 to Ubound(FontArr) If FontArr(x) = SelFont Then Response.Write "<option value='" & FontArr(x) & "' selected>" & FontArr(x) & "</option>" Else Response.Write "<option value='" & FontArr(x) & "'>" & FontArr(x) & "</option>" End If Next %> </select> </div> </form> <% Response.Write "<table align=" & chr(34) & "center" & chr(34) & " " & _ "cellspacing=" & chr(34) & "0" & chr(34) & " " & _ "cellpadding=" & chr(34) & "1" & chr(34) & " " & _ "class=" & chr(34) & "DataTble" & chr(34) & ">" & chr(13) cells = 0 For x = 1 to 10000 If cells = 0 Then Response.Write "<tr class=" & chr(34) & "breg" & chr(34) & " " & _ "style=" & chr(34) & "text-align:center;" & chr(34) & ">" & chr(13) End If cells = cells + 1 Response.Write "<td class=" & chr(34) & "DataCell" & chr(34) & ">" & chr(13) Response.Write "<div>" & chr(13) TheNum = CStr(x) If Len(TheNum) < 4 Then While Len(TheNum) < 4 TheNum = "0" & TheNum Wend End If Response.Write TheNum Response.Write "<div>" & chr(13) Response.Write "<div style=" & chr(34) & "font-family:" & SelFont & chr(34) & ">" & chr(13) Response.Write "" & TheNum & ";" Response.Write "</div>" & chr(13) Response.Write "</td>" & chr(13) If cells = 16 then Response.Write "</tr>" & chr(13) cells = 0 End if Next Response.Write "</table>" & chr(13) %> |