Email Validator Function
This function checks for just about anything I can think of for
an email address to not be a valid formatted email address short of pinging the
domain or sending an actual email and it returns a simple true or false.
Here is the ASP code for this script:
<form name="CheckEmailAddr" method="post" action="<%=Request.ServerVariables("URL")%>"> Enter your email address: <input name="EmailAddr" type="text" size="20" class="bnotes"> <input type="submit" value="Validate" class="bnotes"> </form> <% If Len(Trim(Request("EmailAddr"))) > 0 Then Function ValidEmail(EmailAddress) EmailAddress = Trim(EmailAddress) ValidEmail = True 'Check for spaces If Instr(1,EmailAddress," ") > 0 Then ValidEmail = False End If 'Check length. Shortest an address can be is 6 (S@S.com = 7, S@S.cx = 6) If Len(EmailAddress) < 6 Then ValidEmail = False End If 'Check for only one @ somehere in the middle TempArr = Split(EmailAddress,"@") If UBound(TempArr) <> 1 Then ValidEmail = False Else For x = 0 to UBound(TempArr) If Len(Trim(TempArr(x))) = 0 OR IsNull(TempArr(x)) = True Then ValidEmail = False End If Next End If 'Check for period either three or four places from end If InstrRev(EmailAddress,".") = 0 Then ValidEmail = False Else If Len(EmailAddress) - InstrRev(EmailAddress,".") > 3 OR _ Len(EmailAddress) - InstrRev(EmailAddress,".") < 2 Then ValidEmail = False End If End If End Function If ValidEmail(Request("EmailAddr")) = True Then Response.Write "The email address you entered appears to be a " & _ "valid email address" Else Response.Write "The email address you entered " & _ "does not appears to be a " & _ "valid email address" End If End If %> |