Soren Winslow
HTML Color Chart with Background Color Input
This is an HTML color reference chart that displays 4096 colors and gives you the option to choose a different background color.
It is also a good exercise in a triple "For...Next" loop and dynamic table generation. Plus demonstrates the Hex() function in VBScript.

Here is the ASP code for this script:


   BGColor = Request("BGColor")

   If Len(Trim(BGColor)) = 0 Then

      BGColor = "000000"

   End If


  Response.Write "<div style=" & chr(34) & _

                 "background-color:#" & BGColor & ";" & _

                 "padding-top:15px;" & chr(34) & ">" & chr(13)


   <form name="ChgColor" method="Post">

    <table class="DataTble" align="center" style="background-color:#ffffff;">

    <tr class="bnotes">


    Enter a new background-color:

    #<input type="text" name="BGColor" value="<%=BGColor%>" size="6" class="bnotes">

    <input type="submit" value="Go" class="bnotes">





 Function HexColor(TheNum)

    If TheNum = 256 Then

       HexColor = Hex(255)


      HexColor = Hex(TheNum)

      If Len(HexColor) < 2 Then

         HexColor = "0" & CStr(HexColor)

      End If

    End If

 End Function

  Response.Write "<table " & _

                         "align=" & chr(34) & "center" & chr(34) & " " & _

                         "cellspacing=" & chr(34) & "0" & chr(34) & " " & _

                         "cellpadding=" & chr(34) & "1" & chr(34) & " " & _

                         "style=" & chr(34) & "border-style:none;background-color:#" & _

                         BGColor & _

                         chr(34) & _

                         ">" & chr(13)

  Cells = 0

  ColorCount = 0

  For Red = 0 to 255 step 17

    HRed = HexColor(Red)

    For Green = 0 to 255 step 17

       HGreen = HexColor(Green)

       For Blue = 0 to 255 step 17

          HBlue = HexColor(Blue)

           Cells = Cells + 1

           ColorCount = ColorCount + 1

           If Cells = 1 Then

              Response.Write "<tr style=" & chr(34) & _

                                  "font-size:8pt;font-family:times;text-align:center;" & chr(34) & _

                                  ">" & chr(13)

           End If

           Response.Write "<td " & _

                          "style=" & chr(34) & _

                                   "border-style:inset;" & _

                                   "border-width:2px;" & _

                                   "padding:2px;" & _

                                   "border-color:#" & HRed & HGreen & HBlue & ";" & chr(34) & " " & _

                          "title=" & chr(34) & HRed & HGreen & HBlue & chr(34) & ">" & chr(13)

           Response.Write "<div " & _

                          "style=" & chr(34) & _

                          "background-color:#" & HRed & HGreen & HBlue & ";" & chr(34) & ">" & _

                          " </div>" & chr(13)

           Response.Write "<div " & _

                          "style=" & chr(34) & _

                          "color:#" & HRed & HGreen & HBlue & ";" & _

                          "background-color:#" & BGColor & ";" & chr(34) & ">" & _

                          HRed & HGreen & HBlue & _

                          "</div>" & chr(13)

           Response.Write "<div " & _

                          "style=" & chr(34) & _

                          "background-color:#" & HRed & HGreen & HBlue & ";" & chr(34) & ">" & _

                          " </div>" & chr(13)

           Response.Write "</td>" & chr(13)

           If Cells = 12 Then

              Response.Write "</tr>" & chr(13)

              Cells = 0

           End If




  Response.Write "</table>"  & chr(13)

  Response.Write "</div>"  & chr(13)


© 1967 - 2025 Soren Winslow