RSS PubDate Date Formatting Function
As you may already know, RSS feeds need to have their PubDate formatted
properly to use. You may also know that most databases do not store a date
in the same format as a RSS Data feed requires. This is a quick and easy way
format your date into the required proper RSS PubDate.
The function is called RSSDate().
If you call It will output
Here is the code for the RSSDate() function:
<% Function RSSDate(TheDateTime) TheDay = Day(TheDateTime) DayName = WeekdayName(Weekday(TheDateTime),True) TheMonth = MonthName(Month(TheDateTime),True) TheYear = Year(TheDateTime) TheHour = Hour(TheDateTime) TheMinute = Minute(TheDateTime) TheSecond = Second(TheDateTime) While Len(TheDay) < 2 TheDay = CStr("0" & TheDay) Wend While Len(TheHour) < 2 TheHour = CStr("0" & TheHour) Wend While Len(TheMinute) < 2 TheMinute = CStr("0" & TheMinute) Wend While Len(TheSecond) < 2 TheSecond = CStr("0" & TheSecond) Wend RSSDate = DayName & ", " & _ TheDay & " " & TheMonth & " " & TheYear & " " & _ TheHour & ":" & TheMinute & ":" & TheSecond & " GMT" End Function Response.Write RSSDate("3/11/2025 8:18:40 PM") %> |