Simple, Easy and Modifiable Monthly Calendar
This is a simple monthly calendar that allows you to select the month and year
then generates the calendar for the year. Because of the way it works and with only
a minimal amount of calculations, it makes it very easy to modify or manipulate.
Since the calendar is rendered from a starting date to an ending date,
that also simplifies being able to run a query on dates against a database
to check for events or schedules.
Here is the ASP code for this script:
<% TheMonth = Request("TheMonth") If Len(Trim(TheMonth)) = 0 Then TheMonth = Month(Date()) End If TheMonth = Cint(TheMonth) TheYear = Request("TheYear") If Len(Trim(TheYear)) <> 4 OR IsNumeric(TheYear) = False Then TheYear = Year(Date()) End If TheMonths = ",January,Febuary,March,April,May,June" & _ ",July,August,September,October,Novemeber,December" MonthArr = Split(TheMonths,",") TheDays = ",Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday" DaysArr = Split(TheDays,",") NumDays = 0 If TheMonth = 2 Then NumDays = 28 If TheYear Mod 4 = 0 Then NumDays = 29 End If ElseIf TheMonth <= 7 Then If TheMonth Mod 2 = 1 Then NumDays = 31 Else NumDays = 30 End If Else If TheMonth Mod 2 = 0 Then NumDays = 31 Else NumDays = 30 End If End If FirstOfMonth = CDate(TheMonth & "/01/" & TheYear) FirstDay = Weekday(FirstOfMonth) FirstDayName = WeekdayName(FirstDay) EndOfMonth = CDate(TheMonth & "/" & NumDays & "/" & TheYear) LastDay = Weekday(EndOfMonth) StartDate = FirstOfMonth - (FirstDay-1) EndDate = EndOfMonth + (7-LastDay) %> <form name="SelMonthYear" method="post" action="Calendar.asp"> <table class="DataTble" cellspacing="0" align="center"> <tr class="bnotes" style="font-weight:bold;"> <td> Month <select name="TheMonth" class="bnotes"> <% For x = 1 to UBound(MonthArr) If TheMonth = x Then Response.Write "<option value=" & chr(34) & x & chr(34) & " selected>" & _ MonthArr(x) & _ "</option>" & chr(13) Else Response.Write "<option value=" & chr(34) & x & chr(34) & ">" & _ MonthArr(x) & _ "</option>" & chr(13) End If Next %> </select> </td> <td> Year <input type="text" name="TheYear" class="bnotes" size="3" value="<%=TheYear%>"> </td> <td> <input type="submit" value="Go" class="SubButton"> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <table class="DataTble" cellspacing="0" align="center"> <tr> <td class="CalMonth" style="text-align:center;font-size:12pt;" colspan="7"> <%=MonthArr(TheMonth)%> <%=TheYear%> </td> </tr> <tr> <% For x = 1 To UBound(DaysArr) Response.Write "<td class=" & chr(34) & "CalDayName" & chr(34) & ">" & _ DaysArr(x) & _ "</td>" & chr(13) Next For x = StartDate to EndDate If x Mod 7 = 1 Then Response.Write "<tr class=" & chr(34) & "bnotes" & chr(34) & ">" End If If x = Date() Then TheCellStyle = "IsToday" ElseIf x < FirstOfMonth OR x > EndOfMonth Then TheCellStyle = "NotMonthDay" Else TheCellStyle = "IsMonthDay" End If Response.Write "<td class=" & chr(34) & TheCellStyle & chr(34) & ">" & _ "<b>" & Day(x) & "</b><br>" & _ "</td>" If x Mod 7 = 0 Then Response.Write "</tr>" End If Next %> </tr> </table> |